Enda answers your parenting questions2017-11-18T19:23:08+00:00

Enda answers your questions

Enda talks about topics that were important on their journey, and shares news of their activities

Sport and the language impaired child.

By |November 3rd, 2019|Categories: 4. Parenting, 5. Questions answered, 6. Sport and autism, 9. All posts|

As parents of language deficient children we know how incredibly isolating this condition can be. Yet a great many children with this and related disorders like autism can be highly visual and with the right [...]

Shopping with an Autistic child: Dealing with awkward situations

By |November 2nd, 2019|Categories: 4. Parenting, 5. Questions answered, 9. All posts|

Feel you can't go shopping with your autistic child? As parents of language impaired children with the kind of behaviors that this brings, I frequently get asked about family activities. We all live in a [...]

A speech & language pathologist: tips

By |October 10th, 2019|Categories: 2. Therapies, 5. Questions answered, 9. All posts|

Your speech therapist and developing language. When Val and I look back on the boys' early years, we could remember several specialists who provided communication therapies to the boys. But there was a core to [...]

Speech and language therapy interventions for children

By |October 7th, 2019|Categories: 9. All posts|

Speech and language therapy interventions for children with primary speech and/or language disorders Background Description of the condition Speech and/or language disorders are amongst the most common developmental difficulties in childhood. Such difficulties are [...]

Picture Exchange Communication

By |September 18th, 2019|Categories: 2. Therapies, 5. Questions answered, 9. All posts|

Picture Exchange Communication (PECS) I had the opportunity to speak with another wonderful mom recently from Sidney about her 7 year old son Matt. Matt's primary communication system is PECS, or picture exchange communication. [...]

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