Sport is for everyone and autism changes nothing

Behavior management and the summer months.

By |2022-11-29T17:06:50+00:00July 21st, 2019|2. Therapies, 4. Parenting, 5. Questions answered, 6. Sport and autism, 9. All posts|

Behavior management and the summer months. When it comes to an autistic child one of the aspects that strikes the greatest fear in parents is the whole conundrum of behavior management. And what is behavior management? In its broadest sense managing behavior is a lot about getting your autistic child to engage in society [...]

Getting into the water

By |2022-11-29T17:08:14+00:00June 19th, 2019|4. Parenting, 5. Questions answered, 6. Sport and autism, 9. All posts|

Boat meets water: the lift in Having successfully brought Lea Ho to Galway, the task of preparing her for the water and dropping her in now presented. We had the advantage that she was on a very rugged trailer with lots of space around the boat to work. As my father always said, the [...]

Autism sailing challenge: getting the boat!

By |2022-11-29T17:08:35+00:00June 5th, 2019|4. Parenting, 6. Sport and autism, 9. All posts|

Autism sailing challenge: getting the boat! Having picked up the towing vehicle from Elaine at Western motors on a Friday evening, I headed back to our office in NUI Galway to pull up maps of our planned journey to pick up our new boat 'Lea Ho' in Callan, Co. Tipperary. When we got to our [...]

Autism no limits: The journey begins!

By |2022-11-29T17:08:45+00:00May 23rd, 2019|4. Parenting, 6. Sport and autism, 9. All posts|

Autism sailing challenge: The adventure begins! Having worked out a date and time to pick up Lea Ho, the boys newly acquired sailing boat, one important detail had to be worked out. Our car, the one that we rebuilt together as a family (see: our post on this) had no tow bar. We needed [...]

Autism ability and sailing

By |2022-11-29T17:09:19+00:00February 4th, 2019|4. Parenting, 6. Sport and autism, 9. All posts|

For those who are regular readers of my blogs, speaking about the abilities of autistic children is a common theme. And in many of these blogs you will see sport pop up frequently particularly as we head into the summer months, as we are now. These blogs cover a host of outdoor (and some [...]

Driving expectations despite language disorders

By |2022-11-29T17:11:44+00:00May 21st, 2018|4. Parenting, 5. Questions answered, 6. Sport and autism, 9. All posts|

Overcoming language disorders and building a future for our children comes in the most unexpected places. For millions of children to world over, language disorders and deficits are a major obstacle to just about everything. I remember Conor's teacher saying to me once that 'he was so intelligent but fundamentally unteachable'. Imagine saying all that in just [...]

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