Speech therapy and related resources that may help!

I remember the utter confusion that surrounded the diagnosis of our twin sons, when it became evident that they were not talking. Autism spectrum disorder, pervasive development disorder, deafness, language disorder, sensory integration disorder, global dyspraxia among other terms were being used. We had little understanding of their meaning.

As we struggled to comprehend these diagnoses and what was truly going on, we also had to make sense of what therapies were available to help our children succeed with communication.

It was this quest that ultimately brought us to San Francisco and our collaboration with Disney. We hope you find this section helpful and we will be continuously updating it.


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Your child, Disney learning

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Diagnosing speech problems

Disney speech therapy

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Speech and language therapies


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We can help you and your child communicate.

We are sharing our experience with other parents so that all Autistic children can learn to communicate and succeed.